About Us

About Us

  • Doctor’s opinions shape India and Krea ensures getting the right opinion from the right decision maker.
  • Krea is a panel-based research firm specializing in Healthcare marketing research. Key Opinion Leaders from the Indian Healthcare community are a part of our panel and share their views.
  • It’s all about India & health care: Physicians, Patients, Pharmacists, Nurses, KOLs and custom-connect (Purchase Managers, Decision Makers, Hospital owners).
  • With one of the largest Indian Healthcare panels, Krea is blazing its way – reenergizing healthcare research and opinion collection in India.

What we do?

  • Krea connects with the Indian hard-to-reach respondents across specialties (Cardiologists, Oncologists, Dermatologists, Diabetes, etc and super-specialists in each category).

    Leading Healthcare/ Research/ Consulting firms use our services, specifically to connect with the right respondent.